
consequential damages 【法律】間接損害。


Hongkong post shall not in any event be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or related to the downloading , installation or use of or inability to download , install or use the software , including but not limited to direct , indirect , special , incidental , or consequential damages , and damages for loss of business profits , business interruption , loss of business information , or other pecuniary loss , even if hongkong post has been advised of the possibility of such damages , whether such liability is based on contract , tort , warranty , or any other legal or equitable grounds 在任何情況下香港郵政不會就因下載、安裝或使用,或未能下載、安裝或使用軟件,或相關情況而引致的任何形式損毀負上責任,這些損毀包括但不限于直接、間接、特別、附帶或相關的損毀,以及有關損失商業利潤、業務暫停、損失商業資料或其他金錢上的損失。即使香港郵政事先知悉可能引致損毀(不論這些損毀是基于合約、侵權行為、保證或其他法律或可衡平的理由而引致) ,亦無須負上法律責任。

This shall constitute the sole and exclusive remedy for breach of warranty , and the company shall not be responsible for any incidental , special or consequential damages , including without limitation , lost profits or the cost of repairing or replacing other property which is damaged if this product does not work properly , other costs resulting from labor charges , delays , vandalism , negligence , fouling caused by foreign material , damage from adverse water conditions , chemical , or any other circumstances over which the company has no control 這將是本保證唯一和排外的補救措施,對于由于產品無法正常工作所造成的任何伴隨的、特殊的或相關的損害,包括沒有時效,虧損或維修更換其他損壞的財產的成本,其它有外部物質、水倒流造成的損壞導致的人工費用、延遲、破壞、疏忽、污垢等損失,或者其它任何美國瓦茨公司無法控制的因素所導致的損失,美國瓦茨公司都不承擔任何責任。

In no event shall we be liable whether in tort or contract or otherwise to you or any other person for any direct , indirect , incidental , special , punitive or consequential damages , including any loss of business or profit , arising out of any use , or inability to use , errors or omission in this website or the information , even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages 在任何情況下,因使用或未能使用本網站,或本網站或該等資料有任何錯誤或遺漏,以致閣下或任何其他人士蒙受任何直接的間接的附帶的特殊的懲罰性的或從屬的損害賠償,包括失去業務或利潤,即使我們已獲悉有可能出現該等損害賠償,我們無須向閣下或任何其他人士承擔責任不論是根據侵權法或合約等。

5 . 3 under no circumstances shall egate2china be held liable for an delay or failure or disruption of the service resulting directly or indirectly from acts of nature , forces or causes beyond its reasonable control , including without limitation , internet failures , computer , telecommunications or any other equipment failures , electrical power failures , strikes , labour disputes , riots , insurrections , civil disturbances , shortages of labour or materials , fires , flood , storms , explosions , acts of god , war , governmental actions , orders of domestic or foreign courts or tribunals or non - performance of third parties . 5 . 4 egate2china shall not be liable for any special , direct , indirect , punitive , incidental or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever including but not limited to damages for loss of profits or savings , business interruption , loss of information , whether in contract , negligence , tort or otherwise or any other damages resulting from any of the following : the use or the inability to use the service ; any defect in goods , samples , data , information or services purchased or obtained from a member or a third - party service provider through the site ; unauthorized access by third parties to data or private information of any member ; statements or conduct of any user of the site ; or any other matter relating to the service however arising , including negligence 您與在“服務”上或通過“服務”物色的刊登廣告人士通訊或進行業務往來或參與其推廣活動,包括就相關貨物或服務付款和交付相關貨物或服務,以及與該等業務往來相關的任何其他條款、條件、保證或聲明,僅限于在您和該刊登廣告人士之間發生。您同意,對于因任何該等業務往來或因在“服務”上出現該等刊登廣告人士而發生的任何種類的任何損失或損毀,中國經濟門戶網無需負責或承擔任何責任。您如打算通過“服務”創設或參與與任何公司、股票行情、投資或證券有關的任何服務,或通過“服務”收取或要求與任何公司、股票行情、投資或證券有關的任何新聞信息、警戒性信息或其他資料,敬請注意,中國經濟門戶網不會就通過“服務”傳送的任何該等資料的準確性、有用性或可用性、可獲利性負責或承擔任何責任,且不會對根據該等資料而作出的任何交易或投資決策負責或承擔任何責任。

In no event will sinobal be liable to any party for any direct , indirect , special or other consequential damages for any use of this web site , or any other hyperlinksed web site , including , without limitation , any lost profits , business interruption , loss of programs or other data or otherwise , even if we are expressly advised of the possibility of such damages 除非另有明確規定,任何通知應以電子郵件形式發送, (就而言)電子郵件地址為,或(就您而言)發送到您在登記過程中向提供的電子郵件地址,或有關方指明的該等其他地址。在電子郵件發出二十四( 24 )小時后,通知應被視為已送達,除非發送人被告知相關電子郵件地址已作廢。

Under no circumstances , including , but not limited to , negligence , shall hktb be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from the use of , or the inability to use , the materials in this site , even if hktb or an hktb authorised representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages 在任何情況下包括但不限于疏忽,香港旅游發展局均無需就由于使用或無法使用本網站材料而起的任何特別或相應的損害賠償負責,即使香港旅游發展局或其獲授權代表已獲知會該等損害賠償的可能性。

In no event shall we be liable to you or any other person for any direct , indirect , incidental , special , punitive or consequential damages , including any loss of business or profit , goodwill , use , data or other intangible losses , arising out of any use or inability to use the website , or the use of or reliance on the content or service available on the website , even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages , including without limitation unauthorised access to your user s account using your login name and password or transmission of content or any transactions entered into through the website 盡管巴士迷世界可能由于種種原因,包括(但不限于)閣下的會員名稱及密碼在未經許可的情況下被盜用而接駁系統,或內容的傳送,或任何透過本網站達成的交易,而獲悉閣下或任何其他人士可能遇到任何直接、間接、附帶、特別、懲罰性或相應損害,包括因為使用或未能使用本網站而導致的任何商業或利潤損失、商譽、用途、數據及任何無形的損失,巴士迷世界在任何情況下均毋須承擔有關損害的賠償。

In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing will and copyright holder , or any other party who may modify and or redistribute the program as permitted above , be liable to you for damages , including any general , special , incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other programs , even if such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages 非經法律要求或書面同意,任何著作權人或任何可能依前述方式修改與或發布本程序者,對于您因為使用或不能使用本程序所造成的一般性特殊性意外性或間接性損失,不負任何責任包括但不限于,資料損失,資料執行不精確,或應由您或第三人承擔的損失,或本程序無法與其他程序運作等,即便前述的著作權人或其他人已被告知該等損失的可能性時,也是一樣。

Licensor shall not be liable for any indirect , special , incidental or consequential damages including damages for loss of business , loss of profits , or the like , whether based on breach of contract , tort including negligence , product liability or otherwise , even if licensor or its representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damages and even if a remedy set forth herein is found to have failed of its essential purpose 6 .修改協議本授權合約包含雙方之間與本主題相關的完整協議,并取代所有先前或同時期的口頭或書面協議或協定。貴用戶同意在訂單其他書面通知或由貴用戶發出的文件中,所注明之任何與軟體授權相關的修改條款或其他條款于此皆無效。

In no event shall wd be liable for any direct , indirect , punitive , special , incidental , or consequential damages arising out of , or in any way connected with these guidelines , your products containing hard drives manufactured by wd , or your relationship with any end users , whether based on breach of contract , tort including negligence , strict liability or otherwise 無論什么情況下,對由于使用包含wd硬盤的產品,或者您與最終用戶交往過程中出現的任何違約侵權包括過失行為嚴格責任或其他情況,或者出現與所述準則相關的問題時, wd均不會承擔任何直接間接懲罰特殊偶然或必然性損壞的責任。

None of the foregoing parties shall be liable for any third - party claims or losses of any nature , including , but not limited to , lost profits , punitive or consequential damages . neither hktb nor its affiliates , information providers or content providers warrant or guarantee the timeliness , sequence , accuracy or completeness of this information 上述各方均無需就任何性質的任何第三方申索或損失負責,包括但不限于利潤損失懲罰性或相應損害賠償。香港旅游發展局其聯屬公司資料供應商或內容供應商均未就此等資料的適時性次序準確性或完整性作出保證或擔保。

This shall constitute the sole and exclusive remedy for breach of warranty , and the company shall not be responsible for any incidental , special or consequential damages , including without limitation , lost profits or the cost of repairing or replacing other property which is damaged if this product does not work properly , other costs resulting from labor charges , delays , vandalism , negligence , fouling caused by foreign material , damage from adverse water conditions , chemical , or any other circumstances over which the company has no control 這將構成有缺陷產品的唯一的補救措施,對于任何因此產生的事故,特殊的或間接損失,包括由于產品工作不正常而造成的沒有限制、虧損、維修或更換其他受到損壞的財產的成本,其他由此產生的人工成本、延遲、破壞、疏忽,由外部物質產生的積垢,由于逆向水條件、化工產品或任何其它瓦茨公司無法控制的情況造成的損害,美國瓦茨公司都不承擔任何責任。

In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing will any copyright holder , or any other party who modifies and / or conveys the program as permitted above , be liable to you for damages , including any general , special , incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program ( including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other programs ) , even if such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages 除非受適用法律要求或者書面同意,任何版權所有者,或任何依前述方式修改和/或發布本程序者,對于您因為使用或不能使用本程序所造成的一般性、特殊性、意外性或間接性損失,不負任何責任(包括但不限于,資料損失,資料執行不精確,或應由您或第三人承擔的損失,或本程序無法與其他程序運作等) ,即便該版權所有者或其他組織已經被告知程序有此類損失的可能性也是如此。

Liability limit you agree that in no event will ups or its affiliates be liable to you or any third party for any direct , indirect , special , incidental , punitive or consequential damages including loss of profits or inability to use the systems or the information arising out of or in connection with your access to or use of or your inability to access or use the systems and or information , whether based on contract , tort , strict liability or otherwise , regardless of the cause , even if ups has been advised of the possibility of such damages 責任限制閣下同意,在任何情況下,對因閣下訪問或使用系統和?或資料或無法訪問或使用系統和?或資料而產生或與之有關的任何直接間接特殊偶然懲罰性或后果性損害包括利潤損失或無法使用系統或資料,無論該損害是基于合同侵權行為嚴格責任或其他理由, ups及其關聯公司不向閣下或任何第三方承擔責任,即使ups曾被告知可能發生該等損害時亦然。

In no event shall we be liable whether in tort or contract or otherwise to you or any other person for any direct , indirect , incidental , special , punitive or consequential damages , including any loss of business or profit , arising out of or in connection with any use , or inability to use , errors or omission in the data or the application , even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages 電車自1904年開始在港島北部行駛,不論您坐多遠,成人車資只要港幣2 ,長者65歲或以上及兒童12歲以下港幣1 。您可于車尾入口上車,然后于車頭出口支付車資可使用八達通卡及下車。電車是您到香港體驗生活欣賞美麗街景時最方便的交通工具。

Neither cleverlearn nor any one else involved in creating , producing , or delivering the site or the ceverlearn software and services shall be liable for any direct , indirect , incidental , special or consequential damages arising out of use of the site or the cleverlearn software and services or inability to use the site or the cleverlearn software and services or out of any breach of any warranty , and you hereby waive any claims with respect thereto , whether based on contractual , tort or other grounds , even if cleverlearn or any such licensor or service provider has been advised of the possibility of damages 無論cleverlearn還是其參與創造制作或提供本網站或cleverlearn軟件和服務也不對因使用本網站服務或cleverlearn軟件和服務或不能使用本網站服務或cleverlearn軟件和服務而造成的直接的間接的偶然的特殊的或相應而生的損失承擔任何責任。您因此免除任何起訴,無論是建立在契約民事侵權行為或其他基礎上的,即使cleverlearn或其授權人,服務商均被告知了損失的可能性。

In no event will licensor be liable for special , incidental , or consequential damages ( including , without limitation , damages for loss of business profits , business interruption , loss of business information or other pecuniary loss ) even if licensor has been advised of the possibility that such damages may arise 無論如何,許可人不負責賠償特殊、雜項或結果性的損失(包括但不限于營業利潤損失、業務中斷、業務資料丟失或其他金錢損失) ,即使已通知許可人有可能發生該等損失的,也是如此。

Limitation of liability under no circumstance shall jinjiang baisida clothing material co . , ltd be liable for any direct , indirect , incidental , special , or consequential damages that result from the wrongful use of , or inability to use , this site . all the conducts can possibly damage our companys image 另外,用戶也不能傳輸發布任何教唆他人構成犯罪行為的資料不能傳輸發布助長國內不利條件和涉及國家安全的資料不能傳輸發布任何不符合國際法律國家法律和當地法規的資料。

7 . 5 in no event will we or our affiliates be liable to you or any other person for any direct , indirect , incidental , special , punitive or consequential damages , including any loss of business or profit , arising out of any use , or inability to use , the information 閣下或者任何其他人士因使用或不能使用該等資訊所發生的任何直接的、間接的、附帶引起的、特別的、懲罰性的或者間接性的損失,包括任何業務或盈利的損失,不承擔任何責任。